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Zorra Skating Club is governed by a group of elected volunteer directors responsible for organizational oversight, policies, evaluation, and strategic planning. Directors are elected by majority vote of all Voting Members in good standing at the Annual General Meeting. Directors manage or supervise the management of the corporation. In general
terms, this means:

★ Ensuring the purposes of the corporation are properly carried out

★ Setting the corporation’s long range objectives and strategic plans

★ Being responsible for all aspects of the corporation’s operations

★ Ensuring the corporation’s financial stability

★ Supervising the corporation’s management and staff

Directors are responsible for enforcing the Club's by-laws, and setting policies and procedures to ensure it efficient operations




President Angela Langlois
Vice President Justine Avey
Secretary Jacquelynn Hewitt
Treasurer Carolyn King
Director Teresa Pullen
Director Christa Minler
Director Abby Dafoe
Director Alicia Van Ginkel
Director Emily Moitoso
Director Nicole Beaucage
Director Courtney DeHeer
Coaching Rep Debbie Roefs



What are Club By-Laws?

Club By-Laws are the rules, regulations and guiding principles that provide a framework for club operations and management. By-Laws specify the qualifications, rights, and responsibilities of members and include the powers, duties, and grounds for the dissolution of the club and its board.

Each organization will have their own set of By-Laws which are created to manage operations. Club By-Laws must meet provincial legislative requirements and must not be in direct conflict with the By-Laws of Skate Canada, Skate Ontario, or provincial legislation.

★ They are the fundamental governing rules of the organization. They are clear, concise and less fluid. 

★ Form the governance/ management infrastructure of the club

★ Enforced by Board of Directors

★ Approved by the membership

What are Club Policies and Procedures?

Policies and procedures are designed to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters, and are developed to set a course of action that will be adopted. Policies outline fundamental principles to follow (the “what” and “why”) while procedures outline how policies will be implemented. 

★ Outline the reason behind the rules and are more fluid

★ Direct day to day operations

★ Outline who, how and when the rules are enforced

★ Approved by the board of directors


Zorra Skating Club's By-Law

[coming soon]

Zorra Skating Club's Policies & Procedures

You can find Zorra Skating Club's policies and procedures can be found under Member information, or by clicking here:

Registration Policies

Safety Policies