Payment Policy
**Payment must be received before the skater participates in their first skating session
Payment Types
Payment can be made online using Visa, Mastercard, etransfer ( or redemption of Skating Credits only. Payments can be made in person via cash and/or cheque (ZSC or Zorra Skating Club). Please indicate your skaters in the description. Payment will be accepted in full, or by installments when indicated in shopping cart at checkout.
For full season registrations, installments can be made over 5 payments - October 1, November 1, December 1, January 1 and February 1. Cheers on Ice and Skate Canada Fees are not eligible for instalments, and must be paid with first payment.
Declined Payments/NSF Cheques
A $25.00 service fee will be charged for all NSF cheques.
Should a cheque be returned to ZSC due to insufficient funds, the family has 10 days to pay the required fees including NSF fees. If payment is not received, skaters will not be permitted on the ice.
Should two cheques be returned due to insufficient funds the family shall be required to make all payments (including fundraising) in CASH for the remainder of the year. If another cheque is returned the following year, the family will be required to pay cash for as long as their child(ren) skate. Extenuating circumstances may be discussed with a board member.
Skating Credits
Skating credits (termed Gift Certificates on registration website) may also be generated due to overpayment of invoices. Skating credits/gift certificates can be redeemed by the member at the point of program registration.
Skate Canada Membership Fee Policy
The annual (September 1st to August 31st) Skate Canada Membership Fee is per skater (not per family) and is paid at the time of the first registration in the program year. Once submitted, it is not refundable for any reason. Out of club skaters must provide proof of current Skate Canada Membership at time of registration.
Zorra Skating Club collects and remits this fee directly to Skate Canada
Withdrawal/Refund Policy
There will be a grace period of four sessions from the session start date for skaters choosing to withdraw from a session. Session fees will be prorated to reflect the sessions skated. Skate Canada Membership & Cheers on Ice tickets will not be refunded.
A $20 administration fee will be charged.
Program Transfers
While program withdrawals are not permitted after session start, a skater MAY transfer from one program to another in the middle of a program season, when changing skating categories: for example from CanSkate to a Junior session upon qualification changes. A skater may also transfer between equivalent programs once per season for scheduling purposes IF there is room on the desired session. Invoices will be issued for program fee changes.
Multi-Skater (Family) Discount
5% off ALL eligible programs, if 3 or more members of an immediate family register for skating programs. An immediate family members include parents and all dependent children living at the same address, and listed as participants under the same member on our website.
Multi-Program Discount
20% off the program cost after the purchase of two eligible full-season programs by a skater. The discount does not apply to Synchro, Independent, CanPower, ticket ice or September, Spring, Fall or winter only season purchases.
Discounts should be automatically applied during checkout. For any issues please contact the club's registrar at
Guest Skating
Zorra Skating Club skaters may guest skate unlimited times as long as the session is paid in advance. Fees must be paid via online (via Online Registration portal) prior to entering the ice. Guest skating will only be allowed on sessions that are not full and the skater must be qualified for that session. Skate Canada fees must be paid.
Note: Priority will be given to those skaters that register for the full season. Guest skating sessions may be cancelled at any point, and paid fees will be refunded accordingly.
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